If you answered YES to all three questions, you are undoubtedly a free spirit. Your pursuit of the experience of being alive and the sensation of perfection has been a central theme in your life. It explains why you have not always conformed to social norms and conventions, why your educational and vocational decisions have been non-traditional, and why you may consider yourself "spiritual but not religious." This website is definitely for you, and in fact, your contributions are more than welcome. You have a lifetime of wisdom and experience which we hope you will share with our global community of free spirits.

If you answered YES to at least one question, you are coming into your own as a free spirit. You will undoubtedly benefit from the ideas and insights you will discover here. Our community of free spirits will help support you on your life's journey and open doors into an entirely new way of existing. Welcome!

If you answered NO to all three questions, the fact that you are here suggests that you are at least somewhat drawn to the *free-spirit sensation, even if you are not certain you have experienced it first-hand. Please feel free to explore this website and to see what moves you.